Lover's Leap in Backgammon

Great opening moves are almost decided by now - especially after bots that analyzed optimal checker plays entered the picture.

One of the most famous and well-justified openings is called the lover's leap in backgammon. That's when you have to play a 6/5 to start off the match.

I don't really know why it's called that... maybe it's because it's the maximum number of spaces for which you can advance in an opening? Probably, but I don't really know why.

Well, taking that into consideration, it's played by moving one of your checkers from the 24-point to the 13-point. That's about it. No need to count spaces (pips), no need for delay -- all you got to do is just move a piece all the way down to the other end when you play a 6/5 roll at the start of the game.

Why is the lover's leap in backgammon the best for the 6/5 roll? Well... other than the obvious reason that you'll get a head start... beats me! Bots already figured that out so I just roll with it and it's easy. Well, happy playing!
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Anonymous said…
Sorry to say but 6 5 is not the maximum advance of points of the opening move, any double of 3 or more will give 12+ pts progress.

Has the leap got something to do with the "bar" in the middle?
Da said…
"Leap" over the bar, yeah, probably.

But if you're going first, you can't play a double as an opening so you need to roll again.

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