
i was on fire the other day! clickety-clack on the keyboard. html-text-html-text-html. bare bones code. still up at 5 a.m. i was groggy but wth, i couldn't stop. in my case, it was the kind of rush i'll recover from in a few days.

i will get an html notepad that colors tags (probably notepad++) because regular notepad is slowing me down. catalyst? words from the wise (now dead) -- if you want "always perfect," it won't get done.

so, start it and leave it. then, check with fresh eyes (always with fresh, rested eyes) and edit/update. rinse and repeat. you think the first one's ok? well, the next edit will be good, and the one after that will be better. important though: no tricks, no shortcuts = good results, no headaches in the long run. consistency, design, tidy, w3. wow, the things you learn as you go. lucky me, it's interesting stuff.

two machines four hours. tech support requested. if you ask a simple "what happened?" or "what were you doing when it happened?" you're screwed. almost always they'll say what they "think" happened and the story throws you for a loop. nothing will add up and you wish you didn't ask. scanned, you say? i don't see a log. cleaned? but quarantine's empty. another machine infected the flash drive? infection's likely from the Internet but ok, if you think it, i mean, that thing's nasty anyway.
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