rains and cleanup

played with a puppy after brunch. made a toy for her from an old canvass tote. we rolled and tied it up so she'll have something to chew on. she likes to grab things with her teeth and pull.

the rainy season has eased up the harsh temps from the past months, though flood and heavy traffic have become problems in many business districts. i was planning on going out soon to a government office. in my case, planning an outing is stressful already, now i have to keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't rain on the intended day.

happy to report that the ant problem is going away. a few ants make an appearance from time to time, but the bed has not been swarmed for two days straight.

i am getting rid of old accounting textbooks. they have been unopened for more or less a decade so they will have to go. it's one pile (there's more but this is a start) but the bin outside is too small so we're waiting for the garbage truck to come by on collection day so we can just hand them over. i am not sure when that "collection day" is really, they don't give one or if they have, i don't know it.
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